Monday, January 2, 2012

ESP: Horizon bolt-on (Part 2)

This is the headstock of my latest ESP Horizon, we know it's a discontinued model because that script/ font isn't used in current production.

The current font/ script looks like the above (Horizon III).

The other indicator of its discontinued status- ESP doesn't mark the current series of instruments as 'Custom Guitars' any more. It's now 'Standard Series'. Also, the current models sport their serial numbers at the headstock's rear but it's missing here; it's over at the guitar's bolt-plate instead.

The current Horizons are notably neck-through instruments unlike this discontinued model featuring a bolt-on construction. That's an ash body you see there, as such, the guitar is heavier than the other Horizons I own.


Ijau D. Koceng said...

almost look like mirage body shape

so u have 3 of a kind now:
horizon II
horizon III

Anonymous said...

o.O i thought ash would be lighter than mahogany? said...

4 if you include the LTD :-)

there are many ash types, the lighter ones are swamp ash. this one may/ may not be that ash type but the tone is there :-) my ibanez RG471 has an ash body- now that's a light one.

Anonymous said...

ah...ok so the tone is basically similar (heavier ash and swamp ash) but just diff weight? said...

the tone of any guitars is how the owner make it to be :-) we'd think the wood type is it but then there are the pickups to consider. so the pickups are dominant then? not quite, because your amp is there to influence tone. so when it comes to tone- it's how everything falls into place.

Anonymous said...

ah ok so we tweak around to get a sound we like by compensating around pickups, woods, and amps. ok thanks sub :) said...

he he... and then people say: Tone is in your fingers. wonder what if i play using my feet... :-)

antzman33 said...

I just bought this guitar and I can't find anything about anywhere! It's so annoying. How much do they normally go for? Why did they discontinue the guitar? said...

was informed that they were at least worth $2K when they were introduced. the Horizon series wasn't discontinued, merely underwent a change in construction- all neck-through now, no more bolt-on. the Mirage models are ESP's bolt-on 'specialists' :-)

antzman33 said...

That's awesome. I have yet to really play on this guitar, I am going to send it to my buddy to get it set up. I just wanted to make sure i didn't get ripped off. I do love the guitar though, it's beautiful. said...

when did you buy this? :-)

antzman33 said...

I just bought it like thursday :] said...

cool. it's a good guitar but i've sent it for some mods, updating this week. too distracted by the 2012 ibanez stuff :-)

antzman33 said...

Sweet dude, just so I have someones opinion that actually knows abou this guitar, how much could/ should I sell this guitar for. Not planning on it but just wondering. And yah dude I've been looking into some of the music man stuff and the new ibanez. I love it! said...

any 'ESP' marked instrument is a mark of quality. there isn't quite a lower-tier offering in the ESP range so a fair asking price for a typical ESP instrument with above-average maintenance should exceed $1K. in this case, $1.4k wouldn't be an excessive asking price :-)

antzman33 said...

cool! also where was this made!? lol said...

ESPs are made in Japan, no where else :-)

Anonymous said...

is this guitar still available??