Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Deficient EQ

On this final day of April, like a broken record, I would like to say that the people in this country lack the EQ in accommodating people who move around with bulky items. These include, among others, individuals carrying musical instrument cases & Art paraphernalia. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

New boost

A few days ago, I sold off one of my acoustic guitars in preparation for the upcoming unemployment days. It's insufficient to see things through but it's better than no money at all. There was an unexpected windfall along the way so I managed to get the BOSS BP-1w. These days, I'm more interested in acquiring (affordable) gear to beef up my tone so this, to me, was a good buy especially when I get to use accumulated Swee Lee membership points for discounts. Full appraisal soon.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Selling: PRS SE bag

 Letting this PRS SE bag go...
  • PRS SE bag (brown)
  • 9/10 condition
  • Self-collect @ CCK / Yew Tee mrt statio
  • Confirmation: subversion.sg@gmail.com
  • No reservations / trades
  • Price: $59 (final)

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Chapman @ Hot Deals

Swee Lee is currently having a Chapman promo. Guitars are going for a 20% - 25% discount. Chapman guitars are good stuff. Many models feature Seymour Duncan pickups at this price point which is value for money. In my opinion, these are no as popular as they should be due to the reverse headstock. Also, an average Chapman guitar is quite hefty.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Plush screamer

One of the many Tube Screamer versions out there that doesn't seem to work with any guitars / amps. I don't mind at all. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

No more

I'm upset because my favourite drink at Swee Lee's Social Club had been discontinued - Bitter Sweet. It's fizzy coffee with a dash of yuzu. One of a kind & definitely addictive. I got a consolation here - it's just white coffee with ice. Bummer. FYI - looks like Swee Lee's Social Club might be called something else in the near future. All its profile / feeds / posts had been removed from soc med.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Noir Strat

I mentioned this Strat back in 2022 & it's now available at Swee Lee (List: $1,699). This is a Hybrid II Noir Strat, the colour scheme reminds me very much of that car from Knight Rider. If you know what I'm talking about, you grew up enjoying good 80s TV shows. 

Pic: Fender Japan

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Silver Vaughan

Aw, darn! Someone out there, in the sheer spirit of defiance, relic'd a PRS Silver Sky to mimic SRV's fabled Number One. 

Everything, in my opinion, was done in good taste. This flip side look shows us how serious this was set out to be. 

Saving the best for last - just look at how well the headstock turned out to be! I'm not a relic fan but I must applaud this effort; it's maximum dedication, to say the least. You might demerit this for missing one crucial detail; the bridge should be the lefty version as per SRV's. However, in view of the default routing excluding this consideration, I won't hesitate to give top marks all round.

Pics: TGP

Monday, April 22, 2024

MOMM (51)

There's a fair amount of hype for this release just because it's the second effort from the acclaimed Vltimas lineup. Epic by name not by impact.
  • Agree. Yes, this album fell short of the standard set by its predecessor, Something Wicked Marches In. Namely, it's due to the lack of that black-thrash vibe set by SWMI. Many songs have that laid back heavy metal vibe where speed is not an obligation. Obvious example: Mephisto Manifesto. The fact that David Vincent sounds like Randy Savage, especially in this album, doesn't help either.
  • Disagree. This is not a bad release. It just sets itself apart from its predecessor but the metal pundits out there are certainly not impressed. It seems that bands should not go astray from what they had set out to do from the start unless your band's name is Darkthrone, simply put.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

POD Express

If you think LINE6's POD adventure had closed its chapter for good then be informed the POD is still alive & kickin'. Of course, it no longer looks like its former incarnation - that bean shaped unit that had been the popular recording gadget not too long ago - it's now a very effects pedal looking as depicted above. 

Ola's perspective on the matter is very much mine; we are both interested if this one can pull off some of the best distorted tones out there with very little tweaking effort. If you are interested in one, it's currently out of stock at Yamaha (List: $285).

Pic: LINE6

Saturday, April 20, 2024

S2 ver 2024

Folks, the new (ver 2024) PRS S2 Custom 24 is now available at Swee Lee. New here refers to the fact that the S2 range is now a full American, ie. all parts are made in the USA. The S2's Previous iteration has non-American pickups & electronic components. Of course, there's a price revision in the midst of all this - $2,799 (previously $2,699). 
Pic: PRS

Friday, April 19, 2024


 Finally, some Friday evening time to drop by the new Swee Lee outlet at Clarke Quay.

The overall vibe is that of an extended Star Vista outlet, those familiar hue & texture of the fittings certainly added to this feel. 

The store is divided into several focus areas. The one you see here is the instrument space, the very first sight that would greet you if you entered by the taxi stand entrance. Moving along, it's the software / hardware space with some dining space. A little further up would bring you to the vinyl listening space & more dining area. Order for F&B is located here. Nothing further beyond this space except the exit door.

Swee Lee had made it clear that this is a music lifestyle store & not an instrument outlet exclusively. For a gear geek like me, I find this place off-putting. I'm surrounded by people who are not into gear exclusively. In fact, I see couples having a meal date there, a job interview conveniently taking place at a strategic corner, vinyl enthusiasts talking loudly with their headphones on & a caucasian guy who plonked himself onto a very comfy seat, getting lost in his laptop computer. I was here for a good 20min & he didn't order any food, stayed put at the same place. I guess he might be an employee of the company. That's my best bet. 

Over at the instrument testing station, things are pretty much noise-free. You test the instruments with headphone amps (I believe those are the Fender Mustang Micro units). Nobody could hear your Smoke on the Water riffs which is a good thing. To me this is a definite no. Sometimes an instrument manifests inherent anomalies which cannot be realized through the headphones. However, there is one testing station near the entrance door which features a real amp & some effects unit but the volume was kept down.

I'm not contesting how a guitar store should be, Swee Lee is free to conceptualize stuff that works for them; lifting their business profile, appealing to a greater group of (potential) customers than merely gear buffs, providing an alternative venue for a quick bite, etc. For a gear-inclined individual like me, the place is excessive & not gear-centric. Coming back here for gear hunting would be very far down my consideration list. If you like this place, good for you. I'm very happy to check stuff out at the Star Vista outlet instead. A belated congrats to Swee Lee for their deserving extension into the other recesses of the island. Presence is everything.

PS: Thanks to store manager, David, for letting me take photos while I was there. I actually have more to share but these 3 are good for now.

EDIT: The headphone amps at the silent testing stations are the BOSS KATANA:Go

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Thanks & goodbye: CJ Snare

Sad passing of Firehouse's frontman, CJ Snare, just days ago. He is one of those unique singers whom you could easily identify once he starts singing.

There were too much grunge on the radio back in the 90s & Firehouse was one of the rock bands who withstood the test of that decade. I'm not fond of the ballads but Don't Treat Me Bad was one of my favourite songs from the band.

Pic: X

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Delonge Star

This had been gear news fodder for a while & it's finally unleashed to guitar-dom. The Tom Delonge Starcaster maintains the single pickup feature but did away with the original Fender Starcaster headstock. In its place, we have the big Strat-type, 70s design which in my opinion is a cool replacement. Colours are kept in the pastel family as opposed to the loud, solid options of the solid body counterparts.

Interestingly, it's made in Indonesia. Does Fender have an Indonesian factory? So this is hinting at the instrument's pedigree. 

Pics: MR / Fender

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

A blast

Variation of a theme - Fender Japan has a sandblast finish Strat in its Hybrid II series. More accurately, sandblasting is a process, not a finish type per se. What you see here is a natural finished ash body, given the sandblast treatment. A Tele & Jazz bass are the other members in this sandblasted affair.

Pic: Fender Japan

Monday, April 15, 2024

Price watch (78)

Folks, this is another blatant fake still available in the after-market despite an authenticity red flag submission to the platform owner.

Just look at this rubbish headstock - Prestige?? But labelled as a GRG, selling for less than $250? Gosh...
This is the authentic GRG170DX as documented at the official Ibanez website. We should not be tolerating this nonsense. If you visit this buy-sell platform, do us all a favour & submit a fake product report.

Pic: Ibanez

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Yngwie @ CT

Folks, if you have bought the ticket for this one, do note the change in performance venue. I'm of the opinion that an enjoyable Malmsteen show should be done outdoors considering how loud he likes his live sets to be.


Saturday, April 13, 2024

Oxy goodness

Solar Guitars has this AB1.6FR model covered in metal. Yes, the body's top coat here is of the metal element. Objective - to manifest an oxidized, worn-in look as time goes by, compounded by how much bio fluid you transfer onto it. Not cheap though: USD 2,199.

Pic: Solar

Friday, April 12, 2024

Antigua returns

The Antigua finish makes a return but not in the Fender range. The models you see above are all Squiers & these are strictly a finish re-visit. Meaning, these models are not the actual 70s embodiment. 

The Antigua finish is also currently offered as a 70th anniversary fixed bridge Strat (Mexican: CLICK) & I managed to get myself a Tele version not too long ago (Japanese: CLICK). If these Squiers make it here, don't be surprised if they cost a wee bit more than the rest rest of their Squier siblings.

Top pic: Yahoo Tech

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Jap hums

Noticed there's a good offering of humbucking Strats in the recently released Hybrid II (Japan) Fender models. The HSH Strat is seldom seen in the stores these days especially so when the Charvels took over the Super Strat territory.

This HSS is simply stunning. Covered humbucker in a Strat - not a common feat. Also that cosmic purple finish is downright attention grabbing. However, this one is an exclusive model form the Japanese flagship store but we remind ourselves of how certain exclusive Fenders would make their way here when least expected.

Pics: Fender Japan

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Selling: Claren Guitars 2M.st

Tough times ahead. Employment contract will terminate in a few weeks. Selling. Thanks for reading.
  • Claren Guitars: 2M Standard (hard case included)
  • Full solid (mahogany) construction, rosewood fretboard, okoume neck
  • Electro-acoustic
  • Scale length: 24.8"
  • Self-collect @ CCK / Yew Tee mrt station
  • Contact: email at left shoulder of this page
  • No reservations / trades
  • Price is final: $550

Monday, April 8, 2024

Price watch (77)

This ESP George Lynch guitar is an outright fake. That price tag there is a downright red flag. From this picture alone, we see the wrong bridge being used plus there are no markings on the humbucker (the original version has a Seymour Duncan label on the pickup). The fact that it has ESP on the headstock is an invitation into legal trouble. 

The platform administrator has issues when users submit a fake item report. The authenticity of an item is according to their absolute assessment. It's very much like how the POFMA law in this country works; a piece of news is considered fake at the absolute assessment of the minister. The seller in this case did not hint at a possible authenticity issue. There's outright misrepresentation & the fact that the platform owner does not exercise due care on the matter are disturbing indeed.

Sunday, April 7, 2024


Not exactly the answer but it works. I'm currently using a small practice amp & as we know it, the bottom end response for such a unit is rather lacking. Does this BB9 solve the problem? Not quite.
  1. A pedal is an implement that sits before the amp in a signal chain. If there's any influence on tone, then it is affecting the guitar's signal rather than sculpting the amp's voicing at source. I'm referencing my current situation where no looping feature exists at the amp's rear panel.
  2. The final outcome is of more significance when one utilizes an effect pedal. The BB9 helps beef things up because, well, that's its job. I can hear more lower frequencies during play & it doesn't matter if the guitar's signals are actually being affected as opposed to the amp's. This is rather obvious as I'm currently playing a guitar that has EMG pickups on board.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

S2 Ver 2024

PRS' S2 lineup has undergone a -mindful revision, so to speak, this 2024. The instruments now feature the American 58/15 LT pickups. The other electronic components are equally American, ditto the bridge. So the S2 is truly an American guitar this year.

My perspective: Even before this overhaul, the S2 prices had increased by so much, it's no longer worth considering getting one. This is compounded by the fact that the SE version of the Core / S2 lineup are up there when it comes to value-for-money options. The Indonesian craftsmanship plus export electronics simply get the job done. In view of the aforementioned price hikes, PRS did a smart thing by American-izing the S2 so that buyers would not feel short-changed when they pay exponentially more for the latest iteration because it's American through & through.

Pic: PRS

Friday, April 5, 2024

MOMM (50)

Throwback music moment. Pure Holocaust is the second full length release by Immortal (1993). The production here still featured a largely treble inclined guitar works with lots of blast beats dictating the pace of things. Had the urge to listen to this one as I believe the current wave of black metal music are lost when it comes to identity & the embrace for resistance. 

FYI, the rightmost guy in this lineup is Grim. He did not play on this album but toured with the band as its drummer. 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Inspired by ... headstock

When we were just celebrating the new revised Epiphone headstock, the Inspired By series went one up by basically putting a Gibson headstock there. Pickups are also the 490R / 498T affair (not my type though). Gibson wants you to feel OK paying more for their instruments in the mean time so they are going the extra mile giving you are near-Gibson experience while treading the Epiphone economy. Not good for those of us who look forward to the Epiphone name to account for our gear budget. USD1,299 ... Hmm ...

Pic: Epiphone

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

SL @ Clark Quay

Following the closure of its Bras Basah branch, Swee Lee now has a new lifestyle music store at Clarke Quay. If you enjoy the Star Vista outlet's vibe, this should be a grand extension of that atmosphere. Looking forward to dropping by. Wonder when...

Pic: Straits Times

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


Another artist-related pedal. Mille Petrozza's KHDK Deathscream has the appropriate graphic to let you know what it's for. This isn't an intense-type, Metal Zone-esque pedal, be informed. It was conceived to push the distortion of Petrozza's Kemper on live outings. If you are in need of a similar implement, do consider.

Pic: MR

Monday, April 1, 2024

Ibanez: April '24

There were no new releases in March despite Ibanez saying otherwise in the SM feeds. Come April, four Japanese models were unleashed. The one you see here is the AZ2203N, not exactly new but a new finish - seafoam green. If it's not as seafoam green as the Fender version that's because Ibanez has no obligations to match that.

Another new but not really new - the AZ2204N in gray metallic.
 Another gray finish goes to the AZ2402.

Last but not least, the RGDR4527ET. Not my thing: 1) Evertune bridge 2) Richlite fretboard / body top.

Pics: Ibanez