Monday, September 16, 2024

Reimagined imagination

Gibson re-launched its Les Paul Studio models. Quoting from its webpage: Now the Les Paul Studio had been re-imagined & is better & more versatile than ever. So what exactly are the new attributes of this guitar? 
  • weight-relieved body
  • slim taper neck profile
  • neck binding
  • Burstbucker pickups
Hold on. These are actually new features? Chambered bodies had been a thing of Gibson's past. The slim taper neck profile is not new, the LP Classic features this neck profile & it's been a while. Burstbucker pickups - not new as well.

So the neck binding is indeed the new feature for this guitar, yes? Nope. This is the LP Studio ver 2018 & it features neck binding. Folks, Gibson is playing us for fools. USD1,599 for the 'new' LP Studio 2024 isn't exactly appealing considering you get a regurgitated 2018 model. Just saying.

Pics: Gibson, star music

1 comment:

William Paxson said...

Actually, this is more Gibson getting caught with their pants down when they discontinued both the LP Tribute and the Studio models with the idea that they would forced the Tribute buyers to buy the overpriced Chinese Epiphones that they make more money on and the Studio buyers to buy the more expensive US LP models. What happened here in the States is that folks when they heard they were being discontinued bought up all the remaining Tribute models and then all the Studio models that many dealers here blew out at reduced prices and left the Chicom Epi's and pricey US LP's sitting on the shelves. This is just an attempt to claw back some of the $1K to $2K LP market they lost.