Thursday, December 1, 2011

Orange! Jackson JS-20

Since I was at Beez's the other day, I had him instal an Orage Drop cap in my Jackson (JS-20) as well.

Not forgetting the coil split push-pull switch for the (TESLA) Plasma 7 humbucker. Am I obliged to have it in all guitars with pickups sporting a 4-conductor wiring? Not at all but it gives me more choices in terms of tone.


YusTech said...

Hei sub,just a question.Do you actually hear the difference between the orange drop and factory fitted caps?
its been bugging me. said...

Yes I do. The cheaper, ceramic cap has limited range. I hear more lows & sharper highs from the orrange. Love it :-)

YusTech said...

rite,its time for me to cap hunting.thanks sub. said...

all this cap swapping- no use if you can't hear the diff... it's the player, not the product in this case :-)