Friday, September 7, 2012

The race (to compact oblivion)

Vox has raised the bar (Ok, not too much, though) in the compact pedals realm, the ones you see here are the new StompLab 1 & 2 (with expression pedal) series for guitars (red black) & basses (black red). The rotary knobs provide quick access to editing for sure, not to mention that chicken head livery of vintage amp controls, he he... It means that ZOOM's G3/G3X need to keep up.

But the ZOOM chaps are not fretting in their tech pants because they have moved on to the MS-series, employing the G3's user-friendly interface feature into a smaller manifestation; the typical stomp box dimension so you pedal board dweebs would definitely consider their placement in your line-up.


Ijau D. Koceng said...

"for guitars (red) & basses (black)"

or is it the other way around?

YusTech said...

waiting for one to come in my workshop..hehe