Friday, March 7, 2014

Wooden touch

In the mail today- Clayton wooden picks. I'm currently reviewing my picks' click quotient; actually referring to that 'clicking' sound when it comes into contact with strings. It isn't as obvious when one is using thinner, softer picks. However, if one deals with (at least) a 3mm pick manufactured from a hard material, this clicking sound becomes obvious. In the mean time, I'm assessing if this is indeed a psychological factor, the fact that the player is bothered by this clicking is actually due to his/her ability to hear it during play. What if his/her set up masks this clicking noise, would it be any different? Also, what are the materials causing this clicking sound? Can the string type actually help mute this clicking in some ways? Some exploration in the mean time :-)

1 comment:

Ijau D. Koceng said...

looks kinda coconut shell