Sunday, December 24, 2017

Camper goodness

There is a sizeable camp of acoustic geeks out there who look up to Taylor's GS Mini for its sheer sonic goodness despite the scaled down dimensions. Due to its brand name, the asking price for the GS Mini is a little steep & can easily get you a solid top standard size player. However, we prioritize mobility & good tones when considering instruments of this nature & Veelah's Mini Camper addresses our price concerns without proving to be a compromised, poor man's GS mini. 

It's no commercial secret that the Mini Camper was designed in the image of the GS Mini with similar dimensions, attributes & tonal performance. Veelah's slightly shorter scale length (Veelah: 22.79" vs Taylor: 23.5") gives the instrument a more tingling top end with lots of definition. This instrument is aimed at the players who wish for easier picking (no pun intended) without struggling to deal with a standard size acoustic body or the lack of warmth & lower end of a travel-size unit (think: Ed Sheeren). I managed to give it a quick test just some days ago & was pleased with the overall playability & QC. The neck was very inviting & grab-friendly but could use a little more worn-in feel for maximum comfort but that's absolutely expected from a fresh, out-of-the-box model. The Mini Camper is an absolute strummer as opposed to strict finger style application. It's a definite value-for-money unit if you are in the market for such a scaled down instrument sporting a trimmed down grand symphony body without going into travel-size territory exclusively. Having said that, the Mini Camper is absolutely travel worthy. 

Rating: 85%

Veelah: Mini Camper
Availability: SV Guitars
List: $299 (bag included)

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