Wednesday, May 2, 2018

First fold

It was all over guitardom when I left work for home today- Gibson files for bankruptcy. It's definitely not unexpected but a matter of when. The company is effectively under note holders' management while the business keeps running to try make ends meet- what's left at the end, more like it. Fingers are pointing to the leadership that ran the company aground, many are asking why is he still even there (we know who he is, surely). Strangely, it is to be understood that the company will return to its instrument-making forte while ending the attempts to turn the brand name into a lifestyle label. My question to these people would be why realize this now at the death? Should there be signs of trouble, people at the helm should make it a point to realize why Gibson exists in the first place because it's clearly the simple objective that was lost. It shouldn't take a genius to see that mending messy ends require competency, not audacity.

My thoughts go to the people working the ground for their efforts in giving us quality instruments despite the current grief. These people are putting food on the table for their families, certainly not the smart asses who thought they could waltz the brand name into more commercial success only to discover there's a brick wall in the way. 

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