Monday, December 3, 2018


Had been spending time last week with my Ibanez SA1260. This is one of the reasons why I'm holding out on the AZ series; they sport a similar rounded neck profile, slightly narrower as well vs the RG's wide-thin carve. OK so I've swapped out the default pickups to DiMarzios:
  • Neck: True Velvet
  • Mid: Area 67
  • Bridge: D Activator X

Corroded whammy tension springs so...

... it's my chance to try this yellow trio (available @ Davis GMC). Rationale- it's coated so it will resist corrosion, yes? We'll see about that.

Fresh strings- Touchtones by SFARZO. You won't find these off the shelves here, purchased them online. I like to try the obscure brands.

Wishing you a good Monday + a good week ahead. Some give-ways in the works 😎


Ian said...

Hey what springs are those? said...

Just some coloured springs. I bought them in the name of longevity & preservation but elsewhere in guitardom, these are known for being quiet in guitar cavities. Some people swear by them for their Strats, especially for recording moments. Available @ Davis GMC.