Thursday, February 20, 2020

Kiesel: In

This might be my final purchase for 2020. The Swee Lee sale was responsible for sapping my funds away & it was a sizeable amount spent. On another note, this marked another bitter episode with FedEx. 

The instrument did not arrive as scheduled & I took time off/ cancelled a money-making appointment just to receive it. FedEx also failed to understand my query; I wanted to find out if there is a technical detail at their end that flags a change in scheduled delivery. This way, the recipient would, at the very least, reschedule personal appointments to facilitate the delivery of the item concerned. FedEx kept prompting me for details to help me check what went wrong. I'm not interested in what went wrong; it already happened, it could not be undone. I just need to know, if a hiccup happens, how can we be alerted? I see that this is too difficult for them to address. 


Hotaru said...

I smell type x 🤘 😎

Ijau D. Koceng said...

"This might be my final purchase for 2020"

did you mean 2019? :)

Hans G said...

Delos :) said...

@ijau 2020, encik... I was billed just a week ago... 😬