Wednesday, February 24, 2021


So this was the anticipation - Dave Mustaine's Gibson models. Despite the official announcement, no details were disclosed pertaining to specs & tier offerings. As you can see above, despite the custom options, the design formula was based on existing Gibson models; the Explorer headstock & V body that scream anti-climax. The Mustaine-preferred control layout & signature Seymour Duncan pickups were retained. The fretboard inlays look kinda out of place but those should be Mustaine approved.

The other two models on show are the Kramer version & that acoustic oddity. I see the Kramer as a more deserving design due to the sharper V corners. Now, that acoustic is really unnecessary because we know that Mustaine's time with non-solid body guitars are limited but I guess it's the signature fanfare in the mean time; sell it while it's still hot. The Vic graphics on the headstock & scratch plate are, in my opinion, juvenile. 

While the Kramer version represents a positive outlook in terms of affordability, it's a possible headway for the brand name acting as a slave reference for its parent company. It's a first. Which other Gibson model has a Kramer version serving as a lower tier offering? Giving this the benefit of the doubt, for all we know, there might be a separate Kramer line of Mustaine guitars. Time will tell.

Edit: Was informed that some of the Kramer versions are made in the USA & won't be as mid-priced as they were thought to be.

Pics: Guitar


Ijau D. Koceng said...

Kramer version looks more Mustaine-d said...

Agree, tuan ✌🏽