Sunday, June 20, 2021

Gold pieces

I'm not a fan of gold hardware; they fade off over time, especially when in constant contact with the hand.

However, some of the instruments out there are equipped with gold appointments for aesthetic appeal. I'm kinda obliged to complement the details they missed out. Will gold pole pieces improve tone? No. 


Hotaru said...

Do you adjust the pole pieces height to taste or preference? Or do you just set it flat? said...

Flat as default, I mess with string action & pickup height instead. If it's still unsatisfactory, then I mess with the pole pieces height which is usually to address volume imbalance across strings. So far I only needed to do this for only 2 guitars - Les Paul Junior & Ibanez RGD (sold off) 😎

Hotaru said...

I see. Only mess with pole pieces if individual string vol imbalance. 👍👍👍