Saturday, August 17, 2024

Duplantier - ESP

As expected, with reference to the recent Olympics debut, Joe Duplantier is now in the ESP camp. Looks like he is embracing the XJ model which is currently in the LTD range. The initial ESP XJ debuted in the early 2000s as depicted above (right). It had a traditional reversed headstock unlike the current Snapper iteration. Also, looks like he prefers the Evertune bridge in the mean time.

This means, the Charvel versions are bowing out for good, This white one is the SD Style 2 HH ($1,099) is still available at Swee Lee.

The mahogany version ($1,599) - also in stock. Very soon we might see disillusioned claims about these Charvels being of higher value due to the collector's perceived claims about there being 'no more' & 'limited edition'. Whatever the case, it's still about demand & supply, yes? In any case, we are not aware of the larger-than-life following of these guitars as opposed to the Ibanez Petrucci models. 

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