This is the flavour of the moment for many Seymour Duncan fans; the 59/Custom hybrid (SH-16/ TB-16). It's only the second standard production model following a cult following of a fan-tinkered product which made it big online. Thanks to the receptive nature of the Seymour Duncan brigade & fan persistence, the 59/Custom hybrid is now a standard production model.
The 59/Custom hybrid, or the trembucker version you see here (TB-16) is a mix-and-match end product of Duncan's '59 & Custom models. However, I don't hear a distinct contribution coming from the '59 because the polite, warm, PAF-type responses were limited in attendance. On the contrary, the Custom's fat bottom end was present & commanding. The result isn't exactly a 50-50 fusion from both models but in my opinion, a perfect derivative for fans looking for some traditional warmth & sturdy bass response to cure their wimpy guitars featuring locking whammy bridges- the reason I have it in my Ibanez S970.
I had initially wanted to fix the TB-16 into a fixed bridge guitar but I went with my gut feelings & have it in this Ibanez instead. So my first take on this guitar, after listening to its performance having my S970 plugged straight through to my Laney Ironheart, is that of great satisfaction. But that may just be me.
To be continued...