This year especially, I made an effort to check out the various black metal acts from the lesser known European region. The band
Sanguis (pic) is Austrian.
Ascension, the band's latest offering, is in my active playlist not that the offerings are exceptional but these lads are obviously from the blast-beats-not-obligatory camp. It is rather challenging to slow down one's tempo when it comes to BM, without people tagging you as a doom act.
haha perhaps you can check out taiwanese melodic/symphonic black metal bands.
i recently just heard Anthelion and ChthoniC. both great taiwanese bands IMO.
I've heard Cthonic, they are good to say the least.
I'm one who prefers a healthy mix of notierity, obscurity & repulsiveness in my black metal concoction he he... This is perhaps the reason I stay away from discussions which are Dimmu/ Emperor in origin, despite being an ardent fan, of course.
In my books, there's no such thing as melodic/ symphonic, it's just black metal & how the proponents manifest the music. Lazy journalism & the lack of respect are responsible for dilineating the genre into ridiculous sub-genre tagging. I'm more into the music (the guitars especially) despite what it's being called.
hahaha i think i get what you mean, all these sub-genre stuff are in a way bastardising the original stuff. just like how metal elitists in general dislike nu-metal and metalcore stuff i suppose.
i'm not too sure if it's the elitist mentality being responsible for this delineation but people should enjoy the music first & foremost & not tag it as exclusive to a certain inclination.
nu-metal or whatever adjectives being used to describe this music, should not be a deterent to appreciate good music; i enjoy Korn's debut release tremendously because of the impressive composition & arrangement- it's good music per se.
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