City Music's year-end SALE kicks in this Friday (28th Nov), it's an event I look forward to as the Line6 & VOX range of goodies there are rather irresistable...
Anyway, I managed to check out the Pocket POD Express & was impressed by the tones on offer considering its simplicity. Thusfar, the Line6 range of PODs sound superb through speakers which is an alternative to owning an amp. This is very useful for people who sometimes play outdoors or bring their gear to places for a guitar get-together or the likes.
For those of us in search of a simple, fiddle-free multi-FX with good tones to boot, the PP Express is recommended.
Just curious, where is city music and how much does one cost? =)
city music address:
the SALE prices are not released yet (as at time of entry), the PP Express should be $130+/-
Alright! Thanks! Im gona get myself one too.
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