Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Laney vs Marshall?

I find this disturbing; I just read that someone bought a new Laney amp & said it killed his Marshall. Maybe he doesn't know it but there are others out there who bought a new Marshall amp & that killed their Laney. So amplifier decimation happens every day, eh? That's not the point. If one is of the opinion that a certain product serves him better, he shouldn't say the other is a dud by virtue of one's fresh encounter. It's not an objective comparison. Highly likely, we were swayed to embrace our new amp simply because it has all the plus points to justify another purchase. Our old amp isn't a pariah, we've been sensitized by its repeated performance to such an extent that we feel refreshed if we hear something different, mind you, not something 'better'.


Marcus said...

yes , i dont like it how companies market their products to give "better" tone. how better can things really get. said...

there's no 'better'... it had always been 'different' but the lay person deems it as the former. subsequently when that person becomes wiser in the assessment of many things tone-related, he'd realize this :-)

YusTech said...


Reuel Tan said...

i lol-ed at the decimation of the amps statement hahaha!

Unknown said...

You can't discredit another's opinion because you disagree with it. Gear preferences are absolutely subjective.