Sunday, January 31, 2016

Ibanez 2016: The acoustic domain

While they are at it with the electric solid bodies, Ibanez has the AELFF10 for the acoustic dweebs out there.  (List: $749)

Over at the AEW camp, the AEW51 is a looker (note headstock). (List: $669)

Here's the rear view. But I must say that the AEL & AEW had some fanfare in them but for the love of tone, we don't get a solid top feature. Something for you to consider before you fork out good money for one.

Here's the good stuff- the AVN6. A parlour type player sporting a solid spruce top with a very traditional 12th fret body attachment. I have a thing for parlour models, they make more sense for the players who struggle to embrace big bodied acoustic guitars but there's a little compromise on tone. However, parlour models were not conceived to give off those deep grand concert type resonance for sure. It's for those lonely moments when you are re-energizing yourselves. That stroke of midnight when you have a sudden urge to hear good wood singing to you.That carefree instances when your ideas need to be put forth instead of some visual excess taking over- you get the drift. Slotted headstock isn't for everyone, though.

PS: Prices listed imply availability @ Swee Lee Co.

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