Monday, November 1, 2021


Starting off the month trying something which is definitely out of my comfort zone - lyrics. I believe this, in a major way, will help me create better music. In the mean time, I'm churning out ideas from an instrumental perspective but a good half of what I enjoy listening to are actually songs, ie. someone is actually singing in there. I believe the content & lyrical themes will make the music more relevant hence fortify ideas, making things more coherent.

I draw inspiration from two of my favourite / respected lyricist - Satyr (Satyricon) & Maniac (ex-Mayhem). These are the most potent minds in black metal, I feel. The standard of their lyrics are beyond compare, very philosophical, there's a sure sense of depth if you read them. The two weakest components in this music genre, after listening to it for years, are lyrics & guitar solos. The music might be potent but the lyrics just messed things up; about weird creatures, doing nonsensical things & revelling in its majesty, exploiting weaker others, etc. These don't value-add to the music. The guitar solos are also next to rubbish unless the band consists of people who are dedicated / versed in this aspect. I'm not saying every band should have that kind of player because some of the best compositions are by bands with conceptual competence more than anything else. They know what kind of solos should punctuate the songs otherwise, solo-less ventures are best. Two good examples - Soulside Journey (Darkthrone) & Blizzard Beasts (Immortal). 

Pics: metalrefuge / thewire

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