Thursday, August 31, 2023

Sunset assault

Here's an intriguing new model from Schecter - Sunset Triad. It features a triple coil pickup at the bridge position, Tripocalypse they call it. The neck single coil is the Apocalypse. As the names imply, the guitar is set to stun; metal & beyond, that is. The thing with pickups, despite the manifestations & names, it might not meet your tonal expectations. Example - Seymour Duncan's Screamin' Demon isn't exactly what the name suggested it to be. 

Lest we forget, Fender's MP Marauder had a triple coil pickup in there. It was OK. 

Ibanez's ATK bass had a triple coil pickup in it as well. That Sunset Triad looks cool as heck but if you dislike the bridge pickup, then be informed, finding a replacement would be a needle in the haystack quest.

Pics: Schecter / GAK / MR

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