Thursday, July 12, 2012

Shock inc.

Not too long ago, I was in an art immersion programme. One of the topics presented for discussion was the value of shock in art. The extent of which was indeed sensitivity explosion when it comes to religious concern. Religious imagery are deemed sacred & never to be used carelessly, let alone for artistic dabbling I am revisiting this matter because recently, an image displayed on this blog was removed upon request as it was deemed spiritually offensive. I took heed in the name of consideration, it is well understood that what was perfectly acceptable for some of us is outright blasphemous to the rest. I do not wish to lose friendship because I somehow became privy to the development of light-vs-dark episodes. 

The art work you see above would have been praiseworthy to the uninformed but to the rest of us who know it by its title- Piss Christ- it's outright blasphemy for the artist to cover it in a layer of urine.

The artist is the same guy who had his work, Blood & Semen III, as Metallica's cover art for the LOAD album; Andress Serrano. Why 'blood', why 'semen'? The image was created by mixing animal blood & his own semen, pressed between two sheets of plexiglass...

You'd argue that there might be a fine line between art & sacrilegious event posters but let's understand the fact that both are intellectual products serving an intent. In any case, people wouldn't want blasphemy in any manifestations, it's just unacceptable whichever way you swerve. 
In thrash we crust: 1 more day to go :-)

1 comment:

Dr. Bentara said...

On the religion matter, whether you are mad or cool about the blasphemy, it depends on how much the person is close to the religion (practicing or not etc). The logic is if in the first photo you put someone you love (i.e. your wife or mother) as the figure in urine then you will probably see it differently.