Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Kramer PUs

Gibson & Kramer are scratching each other's backs. But heck, Gibson owns Kramer so what's happening on the pickup front is actually Gibson flexing its production muscle & using the Kramer name at their behest. This is why you see Kramer pickups being offered as standalone products now.

Take this as an example - we know high output pickups won't get Gibson anywhere on the sale front. If you think 'Gibson', you have vintage tones in mind. Models like the 500T & Dirty Fingers don't get sold by the truckload unlike their Burstbucker counterparts. Gibson being a business entity, strives to have a share of the higher output pickups market which names like Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio & Bare Knuckle have no problems dealing with. So you see here an Eruption pickup under the Kramer monicker which fits in easily into the high octane overdrive front like its aforementioned brand name counterparts. Is anyone else doing this - ie, riding on a sub-brand - to actually propel their primary interest? Of course - Fender - Charvel. You don't see Strats with Floyds & locking nuts plus high output pickups at the helm these days, yes? These are all Charvels now. Gotcha.

And we bid farewell to the first month of 2024 👋

Pics: Kramer

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