Thursday, June 20, 2024


Some Edwards guitars are in at Davis GMC. If you are planning to purchase any of the Les Paul-esque models, I hope you do it soon. You would not be able to buy them come next year. Trying not to say too much here but I hope you can read between the lines. This awesome E-LP-CTM is listing for $1,690. If weight is your concern, be informed that this is a heavy guitar but the sustain is impressive.

The flame-y top version, E-LP-STD is $1,590. 

Are these direct repros of the Gibson counterpart? Yes & no. Yes because these are following the exact templates of the Gibson but differ in 2 main aspects; neck profile & pickups. Some purists are also contesting the weight differences but know that these instruments are heavy. No because Edwards did their own take on many things which are minor details eg. truss rod cover. Be quick, yes?

Pic: ESP Japan

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