Monday, June 3, 2024

Price watch (82)

If you play the ukulele, Kala would be a familiar name to you. The U-Bass you see here was made in the spirit of the instrument's niche appeal. It lists for USD349 (SGD470) on the manufacturer's web store so the asking price is a little unreasonable. 

If you have a shop & this is part of your inventory, reminding buyers of the original price, shipping & tax considerations might be a case in point considering it's the only one available here in the mean time. But this was a personal purchase so it should be treated as such. 

We note the Blackstar Carry-on ST bass is available at City Music for $295. It's similarly spec'd & much more affordable with after sale services by the store. For the record, the ST bass has a scale length of  23.46" so it is even shorter in this respect. On that note, I have nothing against the U-bass, just presenting a case here.

Pic: Blackstar

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