Thursday, June 6, 2024

Size matters

Folks, this is Jackson's Minion Dinky guitar. Yes, it's that scaled down model, much smaller in dimensions compared to its standard siblings. The headstock is smaller as well to ensure no neck dive occurs in view of its reduced size. However, standard size tuners are in use here & that space in between tuners... well, there's hardly any space there to accommodate your fingers. 

Pic: Jackson

I've swapped mine out for these smaller button type tuners. Why bother? That lack of space in between tuners is something that should have been addressed at the design stage, really. While tuning, I kept knocking the adjacent ones out of tune due to the lack of space. There is a ready solution for this oversight which does not require a complete re-design of the headstock. We wonder why it wasn't done so at the factory. My take - Jackson has a ready inventory of the standard tuners so they made do with that. Ordering a differentiated version for such instruments might incur costs.

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