Sunday, March 3, 2013


Here's another breaking news by ESP- the manufacturer is now offering another offshoot brand (made in Japan), the E-II, as regional exclusives. This will effectively mean these guitars won't make it to the USA. The former Standard series are now removed from the catalog & replaced by the 2013 version of 'Standard' models plus the E-IIs. I'm interested in owning one of these, definitely.


Reuel Tan said...

look no diff from those available last year and the year before last...not feeling any gas lol said...

Not supposed to be different :-) done by the same people who did the previous incarnations. Because there's no 'ESP' at the headstock, we can look forward to some price enticements.

Reuel Tan said...

=( i wanted some new eye candy... said...

eye candy? that would be the Gibson camp... :-P