Sunday, October 16, 2022

MOMM (27)

Taking time this weekend to enjoy these 2 releases.

Lari Basilio: Your Love
These days, guitar instrumentals are virtually niche music & the current generation of guitar-inclined listeners, they are more attracted to the Polyphia type of instrumentals. Lari Basilio peddles boomer-type guitar instrumentals but her phrasings & note choices are contemporary appeal. In this new album, there's less attempt to appease the tech players, I dare say the arrangements are song-like. If there's any intensity & distortion laden content that would excite anyone in general, it has to be Alive & Living. The rest are pretty laid back & offer the best easy listening music without wimping out.

Slayer: Seasons in the Abyss
OK, this is a re-visit. I adore all Slayer releases less the final sans Hanneman album; I didn't buy that one. I also noticed that the later slayer albums has lesser distortion on board. Instead of intense metal-type distortion, things sound crunchy instead. Seasons in the Abyss is an awesome serving from start to end but between songs, there is very little pause so the album sounds continuous & irritating. I have yet to come across newer metal bands out there who approach metal like Slayer; no obligations for speed, heavy focus & leads that punctuate the song, not an opportunity for widdle fest. 

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