Monday, September 4, 2023


Nothing fancy, just spending time with my Edwards today. This E-LP-C is something you should not invest in if you are particular with weight; it's heavy. I do not wish to speculate if it's replicating the true weight of a Gibson LP Custom which is what it was modelled after but on more time - it's heavy. I like to play this guitar because it can easily pull off (no pun intended) one of the heaviest metal-type tones out there. A tone reference for this would be Dissection's Reinchaos & Napalm Death's Fear, Emptiness & Despair

Also, this is the guitar I enjoy plugging the above-depicted pedals into; the re-issue DOD OD-Preamp 250 & Elektrik Head's Snakestortion. Due to the guitar's deep, bass-inclined tone, the pedals were dialled up to manifest more top end. For the record, the pickups in this guitar are Seymour Duncan JB (b) & Jazz (n). These are replacement pickups, Edwards no longer equip the E-LP models with Duncans & I simply prefer Duncans in mine.


Ijau D. Koceng said...

to date, the heaviest guitar I have ever slung was Squier J5 Telecaster almost 5kg (4.7kg to be exact), how much does this Edwards weight? said...

Wah, Encik... Just when I was about to weigh this, my weighing machine went bonkers. Will update you in good time.