Saturday, July 20, 2024


Thank you & goodbye. I've been using this for a good while; at least 6 years. Purchased from City Music while they were still at Peace Center offering Charvel Desolation models. I find clip on tuners handy especially at the workplace where constant ukulele tuning is required. I've never dropped this tuner & handled it with TLC at all times. Just a couple of days ago, it refused to work despite a new battery in there. 


Ijau D. Koceng said...

mine (green) was retired years ago due to LED malfunctioned said...

Did you get a replacement?

Ijau D. Koceng said...

if you mean...

1) Replacement by seller? No, because it's over warranty already
2) Another clip-on tuner? Yes, bought a Vox AC Clip Tune (which basically a Korg Pitchhawk in disguise) said...

Korg Pitchhawk in disguise - I like this phrase 😄