Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Fanned 8

Maybe I missed this but it's labelled as new at Solar's web store: A1.8BOP, a fanned fret 8-string. Just by looking at this pic, that headstock looks a little overwhelming. Hopefully it does not translate into neck heaviness. Imagine struggling with the number of strings here plus those fanned frets & your guitar's neck keeps diving. Hmm.

Pic: Solar

Monday, September 16, 2024

Reimagined imagination

Gibson re-launched its Les Paul Studio models. Quoting from its webpage: Now the Les Paul Studio had been re-imagined & is better & more versatile than ever. So what exactly are the new attributes of this guitar? 
  • weight-relieved body
  • slim taper neck profile
  • neck binding
  • Burstbucker pickups
Hold on. These are actually new features? Chambered bodies had been a thing of Gibson's past. The slim taper neck profile is not new, the LP Classic features this neck profile & it's been a while. Burstbucker pickups - not new as well.

So the neck binding is indeed the new feature for this guitar, yes? Nope. This is the LP Studio ver 2018 & it features neck binding. Folks, Gibson is playing us for fools. USD1,599 for the 'new' LP Studio 2024 isn't exactly appealing considering you get a regurgitated 2018 model. Just saying.

Pics: Gibson, star music

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Up - Yamaha

My respect goes to Yamaha for this endearing effort in playing a part for the environment. The other aspect of wood sustainability involves the use of unused / spare wood parts to construct an instrument. It has to be playable & desirable at the very least so as not to demean itself as a glorified piece of junk. The frankensteined Pacifica you see above is a glorious example of research & effort into manifesting such an instrument. Wood blocks / pieces were salvaged from cut waste which were high quality / premium cuts to begin with.

This Marimba model was constructed using pieces of leftover rosewood used to manufacture, you guessed it, marimba. 

My personal favourite has to be this Piano model consisting of spruce, beech, birch & maple favoured for pianos initially. The fact that Yamaha could easily construct quality instruments of this nature shows that upcycled wood materials are no less desirable than their unsullied counterparts. At our end (players), we need to stop equating unparalleled quality with exotic woods costing way much with marginal contributions to tone. Also, players tend to couple looks with tone so upcycled wood pieces would easily be defeated in this aspect - visual appeal. Wonder if any of these interesting instruments would make it here...

Pics: ifdesign/ designboom 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Minions - New colours

Jackson has new colours for its Minion models. These are scaled down guitars, only 22.5" in scale length, maybe more suitable for the younger players. But Paul Gilbert has an Ibanez Mikro model similar in dimensions & nobody said anything about those being more suitable for a certain player demographic. Of course, he's Paul Gilbert & those are Paul Gilbert guitars. Everything else is unimportant.

Pics: Jackson 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Price watch (83)

I'm always on a lookout for used Ibanez guitars (despite the poor purchasing power these days). Was about to recommend this to a friend when it was sold off.

It's acquired by a shop in town that buys pre-owned instruments. Note the selling price. It's a free country; you can buy from whoever you want to at any agreeable price but be wary of what happens along the way, price-wise. If you decided to buy stuff from this store, think of how much cheaper they used to be.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


This had been a tough one. I had difficulties sourcing for parts (tuners / bridge) due to incompatibility; this guitar is more than 40 years old. Also, this model does not include a truss rod so curing the bowed neck without thermo treatment is impossible.

A complementary set of 11s (Cristofori brand) went into this one. I like the tone, just that the instrument is not in an ideal playing condition. The owner just wish for a re-string & minimal restoration; sentimental item, this one. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Epi @ CM

City Music has the following Epiphone guitars for pre-order:

  • LP Standard '50s: $1,069
  • LP Standard '60s: $1,069
  • Dave Grohl DG-335: $1,999
  • LP Custom: $1,219
  • ES-335: $899
We hope to see more Epiphone selections in time to come, especially the more utilitarian models: LP Studio, SG, Designer Series, etc.
Pics: Epiphone

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Gibson is celebrating the return of its Victory model, an offset doublecut design which somehow looks very PRS-esque. This design might appeal to those players who always venture up the upper frets. Putting it plainly, it might have applications for shredders. 

Here's how the original '80s Victory looked like; the headstock was really an acquired taste (darn, looked like the Fender Startcaster headstock on a diet). Back then, it's an all maple affair for the body & neck. The current Victory looks more refined design-wise so it's not really a real return in that sense. Oh, it was meant to appeal to country players.

Will the shredder horde embrace this guitar & abandon their Ibanez / ESP / Jackson in the mean time? Doubt so. For the Gibson fanatics, I still believe they adore the SG for that doublecut feel albeit the neck dive. Gibson has limited appeal in this aspect & they've never really tried to penetrate this segment of the market. Maybe a passing interest (eg. M-III) at best, nothing concrete / lasting.

Pics: Gibson / Namuwiki

Monday, September 9, 2024

September deals @ SL

Swee Lee is having some discounts on selected products this September: 10% +/- 

I have personally handled the Fender Player Series (Gen 1) Strat & must say it's a good instrument if you are in the market for a no-frills Strat. This one going for $1,199.20 is a reasonable asking price despite my personal vendetta against Mex Strats that exceed the $1K mark. I'm a maple fretboard fan but I find this pau ferro version to be more enticing tone wise.

At the shred end, this Jackson Dinky JS22 arch top going for $272 should be considered. 

Squier Sonic P-Bass for $314 - recommended for those of us in need of a back up or for guitar dweebs looking for palatable bass tones for recording. 

Saving the best for last - this Fender 68 Vibro Champ (reverb) is about $200 off the list price but it's one of the best clean-sounding amps out there. Those looking to attach pedals through the FX loop - this might be a deal breaker - no FX loop. 

Pics: Amazon / Five Star / SL

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Grassroots: EC

That's right folks, the EC model is now available in the GrassRoots offerings (G-EC). Bodies & necks for these models are mahogany with ebony 'boards for all models. Pickups are in-house PRIDE humbuckers. The MSRPs for these are in the $700 bracket & hopefully these do get here.

Pics: ESP Japan

Saturday, September 7, 2024


Fender Japan has these Telecaster XII in a limited run offering. Body is ash for both finishes & the pickups are in-house vintage voiced single coils. It's good to see the Japanese end of Fender expanding its offering in addition to filling up certain feature voids but one thing is for sure - price is going up across the board.

Pics: Fender Japan

Friday, September 6, 2024


All my used strings (June 2023 to August 2024) from various guitars & basses - into the re-cycling bin.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Ibanez: September '24

It's an acoustic September for Ibanez & this JGM11 is the most intriguing amongst the releases. JG here refers to Jon Gomm & this is his signature acoustic. 

No missing tuners here as the top two (E/B) are banjo ones to facilitate Mr. Gomm's constant re-tuning / de-tuning which is his signature technicality. This is a quality guitar indeed with 2 sets of pickups to pick up (no pun intended) both string resonance & percussive applications. Steel frets, ebony board & a solid spruce top  for the money's worth. Oh, a hard case is included with this one.

Pics: Ibanez

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


I am rather proximate to  Johor Bahru. On a good day, I can reach City Square shopping center in 40min by bus. This includes custom clearance. I was here last weekend & saw these street musicians performing to their original compositions. We decided to have dinner first before coming back to enjoy some songs.

However, upon returning, he was already done for the day. Managed to get a closer look at his gear; a lefty Ibanez RG170 (judging by the shark tooth inlays, this should be the DX version) & an MXR Fullbore Metal. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


This is a screen grab of Swee Lee's social media post made a few days ago. According to them, the USA PRS S2 Series, as well as the bolt-on models are gentle on your wallet. A quick price check from their web store:
  • S2 McCarty: $3,199
  • S2 Custom 24: $2,999
  • CE24: $3,699
  • NF33: $4,199
Folks, do these prices look like they are gentle on your wallet? You'd agree that gentle here hints at affordability, yes? How much is the average person here earning? Because after buying one of these guitars, they would have plenty of spare change, yes? 

The S2s, down the years, especially after the American makeover, have ceased to become affordable to the average guitar player out there. PRS' bolt-on models are above the S2s in the manufacturer's tier, they cannot be more affordable by virtue of this understanding, no? I find this claim disrespectful. It's like telling you if you don't deem these figures as wallet-friendly, then you are unworthy. Someone out there needs a reality check. Unless they are marketing for an establishment reaching out to a bunch of elitists exclusively. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Affinity Jaguar

This is a good move from Squier. A new Affinity Jaguar model that keeps things simple in the electronics department; a slanted 3-way switch. Nice.

If you dot wish for a dark fretboard material (laurel), then this maple version featuring a sparkling metallic brown finish, is absolutely cool.

Pics: Fender

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Solar: Rich sus G

Some new stuff from the Solar camp. This black guitars is the 1.6RHC. It doesn't feature Duncan Solar pickups but in-house Solar Standard Alnico (n) / Killerbucker (b). For many of us who find the Duncan Solar pickups so agreeable with high gain settings, these pickups need to prove themselves as worthy. That fretboard is richlite which is a deal breaker for me. 

We would definitely see more models with the non-reverse headstock & this SBR1.6FRSP is one more to the fold. Another model to feature the Sustainiac Stealth Pro pickup in the neck position. The bridge here is a GOTOH GE1996T which is in line with what a Floyd Rose unit is doing but feature a brass block. 

Pics: Solar