Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Gibson is celebrating the return of its Victory model, an offset doublecut design which somehow looks very PRS-esque. This design might appeal to those players who always venture up the upper frets. Putting it plainly, it might have applications for shredders. 

Here's how the original '80s Victory looked like; the headstock was really an acquired taste (darn, looked like the Fender Startcaster headstock on a diet). Back then, it's an all maple affair for the body & neck. The current Victory looks more refined design-wise so it's not really a real return in that sense. Oh, it was meant to appeal to country players.

Will the shredder horde embrace this guitar & abandon their Ibanez / ESP / Jackson in the mean time? Doubt so. For the Gibson fanatics, I still believe they adore the SG for that doublecut feel albeit the neck dive. Gibson has limited appeal in this aspect & they've never really tried to penetrate this segment of the market. Maybe a passing interest (eg. M-III) at best, nothing concrete / lasting.

Pics: Gibson / Namuwiki

1 comment:

Ijau D. Koceng said...

and then pair it with Victory amp