Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Thanks for your support!

Thank you everyone, for your kind support. 3.5mil hits as at 25th January is a huge achievement for me. My blog is unashamedly old school; limited videos & wordy. It was intended to be this way all along as I want my fellow gear enthusiasts to re-visit the lost art of reading. These days, we tend to be at the receiving end of information dissemination without making much effort to acquire knowledge instead. Reading is a form of knowledge acquisition & it should be perpetuated. Hope you understand.

If you appreciate my efforts & would like to make a contribution, it would mean a lot to me. This QR code would be good for this week only, I don't see the point of a perpetual validity as it's something to mark the occasion, nothing more. I sincerely hope to keep this effort going but at the back of my mind, I might succumb to what had hampered me before. Till that happens, I'm here to talk gear (& everything in between) - thanks in advance!

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