Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Orange: Dark Terror

New Terror addition to the fold, the Dark Terror, debuting this Musikmesse 2011. We are often taken in by product labeling, thinking the name given has a full implication to performance- how many of us fell for the Tubescreamer by virtue of its 'scream' label?- until we hear the gear in action. Let's hope the DT above does include that dark matter it promises, more importantly, let's hope the manufacturer's interpretation of darkness matches ours.


Anonymous said...

Dark simply means the casing color is black, instead of the usual white.

subversion.sg said...

then there should be a Light Terror but there isn't, he he... :-)

NiN said...

Specs on the Orange website says 4 stages of gain....nice. Finally, a high gain lunchbox amp.

subversion.sg said...

let's hear it in action first, some of the high gain profile of osme amps are short-lived upon hearing them in use.

Anonymous said...


Sub ^^^