Sunday, November 13, 2011

Domestic destruction (2)

This was the showroom condition of the DTT700; very dusty. You can see my fingerprints on the truss rod cover. Back there, the guitar was hung up on the higher tier so it was subject to less handling, the weight per se would put many potential buyer off.

You'd wonder why the strings & the fretboard are of uniform colour; well, that's the colour of rust... I have a feeling this guitar was played many times when it was a fresh addition to the showroom & it was ignored thereafter. More dust at the lower cutaway- saw that?


Ijau D. Koceng said...

would those d-activator-xs stay? or duncanised later? said...

They will stay put :-) it's not the first time i'm dealing with one so I know what they have to offer.