Friday, February 10, 2012

Guitar art

After you are through playing your Epiphone LP Studio Goth...

... you can turn it into an art piece. Zachia, if you are reading this- pic posted as mentioned.


Kaospilot said...

you drew this? cool :D

Jo @ NoobAxe said...

swirl or hand-draw? moreover, the locking trem gets the guitar sicken..

ehem2, btw what's ur contribution to this beauty, subV? It's not just snap n publish izit.. hehe said...

no other contributions, just saw it, snapped a pic, posted it up :-)

Tinylittlemilestones said...

hi thanks for posting. its a floyd rose guitar. the owner got sick of the black and want me to paint after seeing one my painting on an ibanez rg series. said...

Cool- keep the art coming!