Wednesday, February 22, 2012


No, I'm not the one taking a break from guitars (I will play guitar every day even if it's 30sec of noodling before meals) but I'm giving my Noise Gate a rest. I'm removing it from the signal chain to hear my handicap- the inability to control the hands from make unwanted noises while playing/at rest.


Abner said...

whats the best Noise gate/suppressor so far you have tried sub? - im looking at the isp decimator good reviews but quite pricey.. said...

i'm not too picky when it comes to noise elimination pedals, just go with what works for me. the beta aivin was a great discovery, very effective & great value-for-money. i'm with the kinda noise gate that cuts signals immediately, rather abrupt, in-your-face cut off. i think many of those metal chaps prefer this kinda noise gate.

i've gone through a few of them, carl martin, BOSS, ISP, MXR- i still prefer my beta aivin :-)

Abner said...

well I suppose its about personal preference again,. guess you'll have to test each to see which works for you,.