Wednesday, October 11, 2023

MOMM (45)

I don't enjoy LIVE music till I bought Slayer's Decade of Agression (1991). At that point in time, my ears were attuned to music production; clarity, balance, etc. You can tell if a band is worth its salt when they play live. You can cheat in so many ways in the studio but live, there's no technology to fall back on. For Mayhem especially, I make it a point to listen to their live music. Before the Teloch / Ghul duo, the band had only one guitarist & it's interesting how things panned out on live shows, especially when the guitarist did the solos; it educated me on the importance of having a competent bassist in the band to patch the 'emptiness' when this happens. 

Mayhem's Daemonic Rites you see above has 17 tracks with over an hour's worth of music but the Intro (1) & Sylvester Anfang (13) aren't exactly songs per se. The rest of the numbers consist of songs from their latest album, Daemon, De Mysteriis..., Grand Declaration & surprise, surprise... Chimera. Since Atilla is fronting the band, we get stellar performances for Daemon & De Mysteriis numbers. The Grand Declaration & Chimera songs, at best, are the band's re-interpretation of how Atilla interpreted the songs. For this live adventure, all I can say here is that the current line-up had become very coherent as a unit & hope they stay together for a good while. 

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