Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Swee Lee Year End SALE (2023)

 One last hurrah from Swee Lee before the year ends.

Let's put things in perspective. Suppose I wish to purchase this Fender (Japan) Junior Strat which is currently listed for $1,599. So after the current sale savings, I need to pay $1,549. This guitar only qualifies for $50 discount since it's in the $1K bracket. Considering the price of this guitar was $1,449 before the price hike took place (just before the Black Friday sale), it's actually not a bargain. What if Swee Lee gives a percentage discount instead, let's say 10% off? You would then be paying $1,439 which is slightly lower than its former price tag. I am of the opinion that a percentage discount would be more enticing than block discounts as clearly illustrated above. I hope guitar stores here understand why people prefer spending their money on year-end travels this time as opposed to buying new musical instruments. 

Pic: Swee Lee / Fender Japan

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