Wednesday, May 15, 2024

DK-1 H

This just popped up on Swee Lee's web store: Jackson DK-1 H. Single pickup guitars are definitely my thing but I'm still averse to the FR Special bridge. I do not wish to have anything to do with it. Anyway, Swee Lee listed this one for $949. Let's take a look at how much other stores (out of SG) are listing it for:
  • Canadian Dollars 829 (SGD820)
  • Pound Sterling 549 (SGD936)
  • USD 665 (SGD895)
No further comments.

Pic: Jackson


Ijau D. Koceng said...

Eyeing for a certain Jackson model(s) since last year, but when 2024 kicks in, Squier/Fender/Jackson's prices go skyrocket said...

Especially Jackson, I noticed...