Sunday, May 26, 2024


Back when I was still having chemo, I would hang out at the coffee joint at Esplanade on my off days. I often bought a drink & sat by the waters to look at the sea. I would be sitting near these two bronze kids & that's how the interest to place objects here to be photographed started. My chemo days are well over now (but not my post-chemo meds) but I would drop by to say hi to these kids whenever I am having coffee here. Today, I was at Beez's to get the input jack sorted out & managed to drop by to let the kids see my guitar.

I have Olympia 9s in this one & you'd see more Olympia in my posts in days to come to give you a hint of how much money I have left to keep my interests going. In this country, working to see the days through is not an option. It's downright difficult for sick people like me to just chill, focus on recovering & not think about bills, food, housing loan, etc. This is simply not the place to be if you have plans to take a long term break from work (unpaid leave) to focus on other priorities. It's documented in the media that we are the happiest country in Asia (CNBC, March 2024). Quite possibly, those who were rich & not sick took part in this report. 

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