Thursday, May 30, 2024


Decided to be out of the house today. Staying home & being reminded of unemployment wouldn't do me any good. Had breakfast & added this thirst quencher to the order; iced milk tea. It's also one of my comfort drinks especially on days when I feel darn low.

Was at the East, decided to drop by my favourite satay stall but it's closed. Hope the owner merely took some time off & not end the business for good. That missing store sign is downright disturbing.

Was at a loss. Didn't feel like having rice or noodles as consolation. Decided to just have bean curd with ginko nuts before heading off. 

This is me on my down days. I will always stay away from people, spend time alone & head to places that still hold some fond memories of my past; those days when I wasn't sick & happy. I feel for those who are sick & immobile /  bed-ridden. That desire to be out & about, pretending one is not sick might be more daunting than we perceived it to be. Wishing you folks good health & happiness, always.

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