Monday, April 9, 2012

Naglfar: Teras

Naglfar has Teras for us after 5 years since their last emergence. No let-down here, just business as usual for this BM band. This is one of my go-to bands, the music stood firm since the band's beginning, even after the departure of notable vocalist Jens Ryden. In this release, they are without a permanent drum, all skin beatings were laid down by Dirk Verbeuren, maybe he should consider settling down with the band... Fans of Sheol will miss much of the relentless pace in the songs, they are indeed heard in Teras but we hear the band playing in a resolved atmosphere this time round.

A little side-tracking here, guitarist Andreas Nilsson is endorsed by Salmath guitars...

... & Marcus Norman is endorsed by Manne guitars. You thought you've heard them all, no?

On that note, here's a Manne 10-string model.


naz said...

I wonder what is the tuning for that massive beast...

DeadEye said...

whoaaa 10 strings!! it looks fat and short!

Reuel Tan said...

bass + guitar? lol!

fritts said...

Thats is the guitar of my dreams, I would like to see it made with 36 frets on a 30+ scale >NO JOKE<