Saturday, October 17, 2009


The above guitar is my Ibanez RGR08, a great mid-priced player. The real reason I bought it is due to......Seymour Duncan's Blackout pickup which was equipped as the default unit. I'm not a fan of active electronics but after plugging in this guitar, the Blackout really appealed in terms of distortion. Seymour Duncan's forte here is keeping the definition in tact while manifesting lots of distortion. For those of us playing heavy music & solo-inclined, this is rather crucial.


Anonymous said...

i've some good things about the blackouts..i want to try the AHB-2, i am currently using the emg-60 at 18 volts..i take it the ibanez has the original blackout? said...

100% original, it's not OEM in any way.