Sunday, September 30, 2018

Slashed Brazilian

Rather fresh off the media- Gibson's latest is a signature Slash Les Paul featuring a very costly & endangered Brazilian rosewood. This kind of money (a hair short of USD13K) would easily fund many life-changing expenses; tertiary tuition fee, property down-payment, medical treatment, you get the picture. According to the endorser, Brazilian rosewood has its proven track record when it comes to tone; 59 LP, 62 Strat & 48 Martin all reek of the wood's magical fibre as we know it. Is this the right time to be releasing such extravagance? If your company's finances are on the rocks due to a possible CEO incompetence, it might be a good move after all. 

1 comment:

YusTech said...

"Is this the right time to be releasing such extravagance?"

May I add something sir, its always the right time when Gibson releases anything that cost next to nothing them. I'm sure we both know some online stories about ridiculous amount of money that had exchanged hands for a guitar. Therefore 'extravagance?'. We will leave that to the buyers' ;)