Thursday, February 17, 2022

Ibanez LACS 50th Ann

So, after the dust had settled on the 2022 Ibanez releases, they pulled some surprises from the LACS commemorating the manufacturer's 50th Anniversary which I am unaware of. I will mention three in this episode which are fundamentally the AZs, given the LACS treatment. The flame maple top version here is called Sly.

If you prefer a quilted version instead, then meet Roscoe.

These are just costly, super hyped AZ models, you say? It's the first to feature a through-neck design. Most probably, this will not be cascaded onto the other interpretations, making these models unique.

But you are an HH kinda guy / gal then the Golden Eagle might be it.

Unlike Sly & Roscoe, the Golden Eagle has a completely finished rear body so you can't see the through-neck construction. Also, it has a pau ferro fretboard & a swamp ash body. Its other two siblings sport a mahogany body & rosewood fretboard. All three guitars sport a generic black headstock finish which IMO make the instruments look less exquisite at this end. Oh well, it doesn't matter anyway because these won't be available here. The official Ibanez distributor said these are American models which they can't acquire. That's strange isn't it? Considering the EBMM & some exquisite Fender Custom Shop models in store are from the USA as well. 😶

Pics: Ibanez CS


TurtleTone said...

That skunk stripe neck-through shot looks awesome - like racing stripes! said...

Ah, yes. That has always been the turn on for many 👌🏽