Friday, March 4, 2022

MOMM (15)

This week's ear fodder:

Apsu: Proscriptor McGovern's Apsu

This is the new beginning for Proscriptor; his Absu is now Apsu. The discography was separated from his previous outfit, this being the debut release under the Apsu monicker with two new musicians: Voorskath (keyboard) & Vaggreaz (guitars). The music remains tangential to the previous indulgences but I hear more guitar aggression in this one. The keyboard though, was rather obscure. Also, the folkish elements of the earlier compositions, Barathrum et al, are not in this recording. If you ever took time to figure out the guitars in any of the Absu releases, this one included, they seldom peddle bass notes. It's just not the nature of the composition.

Inxs: The very best

I ignored Inxs when they were active in the late 80s / early 90s; not my type of music. The guitars were sparse in the songs. Back then, my standard for guitar-related music would be a full on assault like what the rock outfits were doing; Motley Crue, Skid Row, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, etc. It's much later, when I'm into songs more than guitars per se, that I began to take note of Need You Tonight, Disappear & the very addictive, New Sensation. For those of us with a singular perspective for guitar dominance, do listen to Inxs & understand how the instrument fits into a song context.

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