Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Lamb of Gibson

This happened like at the beginning of the month & because I don't follow the Gibson brand name closely (not as closely as Ibanez, Fender & ESP), I finally noticed this update. Lamb of God's Mark Morton said goodbye to Jackson & moved to the Gibson camp. 

I see this as a positive move on Gibson's part because it's arguably added some currency to the brand name. Look at the recent Gibson developments, namely the new product launches, the instrument endorsers are people who had passed their prime; Dave Mustaine, Jerry Cantrell, Adam Jones, Gene Simmons, etc. No disrespect to these very talented & successful individuals but these names are popular with past generations of guitar geeks, the current ones will need to look them up & spend time listening to past music catalogues just to get in the know. OK, LOG is not exactly that current (1999 & counting) but they still emit that kind of energy that will get the current generation interested.



William Paxson said...

Gibson trying to make up for the Bill Kelliher endorsement disaster?

subversion.sg said...

They have a good record of messing up endorsements.