Sunday, May 7, 2023

May's single Sunday

I can very well conclude that my tone inclinations are cyclical. In the mean time, my ears fancy single coil tones & nothing else. Ironically, the single coil tones I fancy don't come from American Fenders but these two you see above.

The orange guy is a Japanese Fender, nothing extravagant, just a 70s-esque iteration. These are in-house Japanese pickups but they are some of the most polished, Fender twang I've come across. Despite its 70s attributes, the best description I would offer here is that of Thomas Blug's 60s Strat twang; very defined but polished at the top end. You can say it sounds like a relic single coil with a time honed treble response & having those warm midrange taking over instead - very likeable to me.

The navy blue guy is an Ibanez AZ2203N with a trio of Seymour Duncan Fortuna single coils. These are the exact opposite of what the Fender has to offer; very vigourous top end, almost lacking in any warmth but wait till you mess with the tone knob & the magic kicks in. My set up for these would be a saturated over drive tone with the top end rolled off quite significantly. I have no idea if the rosewood 'board plays a significant part but that's where I suspect the warmth comes from. These single coils are no good with distortion, quite frankly, they sound over-cooked. Drive is where it's at & I recommend nothing harsh in this aspect but a good saturation helps. 

This is my Sunday in a nut shell, I'm an indoor person, I have my limits when it comes to festive merry-making. So there.

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