Monday, June 26, 2023


It's been a week or so since these new PRS guitars were released & I've been holding back from giving any opinions & trying my best to understand where PRS is coming from with these new instruments. The new models are the NF53 (L) & the Miles Kennedy (R) signature instruments pictured above. These are Tele-esque single cutaway, bolt-on models & the manufacturer had been ramping up their bolt-on superstar profiles since the Silver Sky took centerstage. We saw the Fiore & the re-vamped CE models being pushed into the spotlight, both bolt-on models, so adding these two into the hype seems a natural thing to do.

This is the only video promo that matters to me as opinions come from the PRS people themselves so the philosophy behind the manifestation was clear. The reason why these two were released together is a clever bit of commercial strategy. While PRS is clearly jumping into that Tele twang tone bandwagon, albeit their very own interpretation of it, they are aware that people might be put off by this limited appeal. That's where the MK version does its part; it retains interest in the new outline but offering a tone variation for those not too keen with the cowboy imagery & associated music. So capturing two market segments here is a smart thing to do instead of one in the mean time because the missed opportunity might not be rekindled after players have forged an initial opinion based on either of these guitars. They might think that the other one might still be based on the initial one & they might not be interested. So the risk of losing substantial interest & one market segment is real & potentially costly. 

I own a Tele (OK, I own a few) & to relegate it to country music-specific application is really myopic. This intention was present in the video above. We understand that guitar is merely a tool (for music making) & if you think it's only suitable for a specific intention then you are trapped in time. I'm trying not too say too much about this guitar because I'm interested in one. I was interested in the Fiore as well but prices were prohibitive & I ended up not buying. I have a feeling this will repeat itself with these two guitars.

Pic: PRS

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