Thursday, November 21, 2013

No horsing around

Yes, I was at Swee Lee recently (for guitar-related matters) & managed to check some amps out, one of which is seen here- Fender's Mustang amp, Ver 2. There are several models in store but the white ones are new. The common pre-conception about such amps is that they sound too digital, they are virtually manifesting interpretations rather than letting the player & his guitar do the talking but please understand that this is how it is if you choose to tread this turf- the turf of practice-grade amps which are not costly & contain software intelligence to deliver convincing tones. Yes, they are out to convince, first & foremost, impression comes later. If you are on a budget but in need of something handy, something that won't let you down in terms of price & performance, the Mustang should be considered.

I'm doing an amp round-up of sorts for fellow guitar enthusiasts as the festive season approaches, sort of a buyer's guide, the Mustang is one on my recommendations list.

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